
Enable Flarm/Fanet on AIR³ 7.3(5)+?

To know more about Fanet, Flarm and Livetracking, check this FAQ

AIR³ 7.3+ or AIR³ 7.35+ has an integrated Fanet and Flarm module. To enable it for flying, you can either enable it with XCTrack, or with XC Guide.

WARNING: the module should be activated ONLY with XC Guide or with XCTrack. NOT both. The easy way is to enable it in XCTrack. In this case, make sure that it is not activated in XC Guide if you are using XC Guide in parallel.
You could also activate the module in XC Guide and then have XC Guide transmit the information to XCTrack through TCP, but this requires more complex settings.

So, to activate the module:


Go to Menu/Preferences/Connection & Sensors. In the Internal sensors, click on the 3 dots on the right and then on Properties. Enable FANET/FLARM data.

Check the FANET+ logo in the status line.   

Once the module is enabled, a new line appears with the validity of the Flarm licence as well as the Fanet/Flarm ID. Check how to freely upgrade the FLARM licence through XC Guide in the XC Guide specific AIR³ features page.

FANET and FLARM ID are sent every second. The pilot name (Menu/Preferences/Pilot/Username is sent every minut. The type of aircraft (Menu/Preferences/Aircraft/FAI class) is sent together with the other data communicated through the module.

Note that a GPS fix is required to work properly. Fanet&Flarm data are sent once the pilot is considered as flying.

If you want to test the module without flying, check this FAQ.

XC Guide

You can disable or enable the Fanet/Flarm module by unselecting or selecting it in Settings/Connected devices/Fanet&Flarm settings/FANET/Flarm module/ and then select the right module (V1 or V2).

You can also directly access this menu by clicking on the AIR³ Logo in the Info window.

At any time, you can check if the FANET & FLARM module is enabled by looking into the info window.

FANET and FLARM ID are sent every seconds. The pilot name (Settings/Connected devices/FANET & FLARM settings/Your name on FANET) is sent every minut. The type of aircraft ( Settings/Connected devices/FANET & FLARM settings/Your aircraft type) is sent together with the other data communicated through the module.

Note that a GPS fix is required to work properly. Flarm data are sent once the pilot is considered as flying.

If you want to test the module without flying, check this FAQ.


Flarm licence has to be upgraded every year for free.

Read more details about XC Guide specific AIR³ features here.

Category: How to