
How to display cities with bigger font on the map?

Depending on your eyes, you may want to display cities with bigger font.
This is how to proceed:

  • Download the Hyperpilot custom xml file here. If you download it from the browser of AIR³, keep your finger on the file for more than one second and select “Save link” in the contextual menu. Make sure the file ends by .xml
  • Copy the xml file in XCTrack/Map folder. With AIR³, use “Files” app to browse the content of the unit. In Downloads folder, select the xml file and use the menu to “Copy to”, browse in the XCTrack subfolders to reach “Map” and click on “Copy”.
  • Open XCTrack Menu/Preferences/Maps/Roadmap/Map theme and select “Custom file”
  • Select the Hyperpilot custom file you have just copied in the Map subfolder of XCTrack and click on select in the bottom.
  • That’s it. Villages, towns and cities are now displayed with a larger font.



Category: How to